What if the rainbow is not made with commingled colors of 8 but just a monotonous color of yellow or red or just black? That rainbow may not seem attractive...
Employee engagement and workplace satisfaction are like the two wheels of a chariot. In the absence of one, the efficiency of organizational operations may get disrupted due to more reasons....
From the first planning to the final deliverables, the project management procedure goes through multiple stages. Project management methodology is used to determine the type of project. A project management...
“AI is going to change everything, but it’s going to take a partnership between humans and AI, not a competition.” - Mark Cuban. Nobody has ever expected the trends of technology...
When any client or customer telephones the call center to unbosom his/her complaints or queries, he/she wants an immediate response from that call center. Immediate clarification and replies need to...
Project management tends to be successful when the project is accomplished within the stipulated time and budget with the available resources leading to the satisfaction of all stakeholders involved. The...
A boss should be a proactive leader, communicator, and an understandable colleague. There are many incidents of bosses yelling at the employees, showcasing temper tantrums in front of others, lambasting...
Even though the trend of remote working has embarked upon many organizations, there is still traditional 9-5 jobs existing around the globe. Be it hybrid working module, remote working or...
A project or a plan becomes successful only with a cornucopia of team meetings. Team meetings are the keystone for initiating the plan, finding solutions for ongoing challenges, and executing...
“Hello, I need your help./I have to report serious complaints./I have this issue.” All these conversations get initiated by the customer/clients when they dial the number to express their queries/complaints/issues...
Jen Elsam, Project Manager - “Project management is like conducting an orchestra. Each element, no matter how small, plays a crucial part in creating a harmonious and successful symphony of...
Call or contact centers are the point of contact between businesses and customers. Customers get their problems resolved with one dial at call centers and customer experience gets enhanced. The...
“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”- Andy Rooney Bibek Kumal is working as a Human Resource Officer...
Cheryl Yeoh said, “The best way to minimize disagreement is to ensure all the stakeholders are in the room.” This statement/quote signifies the sine qua non of the stakeholders’ participation in...
“Always keep in mind the old retail adage: Customers remember the service a lot longer than they remember the price.” - Lauren Freedman,author and retail veteran. There is no doubt to...
What will the workplace become if there is no network of communication? The answer is obvious. There will be tons of misunderstanding amongst the team members, the project may get...
Call Centers that can be entitled as the backbone of the business organizations, are subject to provide exceptional customer services to the customers who express their queries, complaints are issues...
Success and failure are like the two sides of a coin. Every assigned task, every examination, and every mission may either succeed or fail. Likewise, every project constitutes the outcomes...
Like the multifariousness of flowers included in the garden, a typical workplace should also constitute diverse human resources whose perspectives and ideas are heartily welcomed in the organization. The quote...
“Operations keeps the lights on, strategy provides a light at the end of the tunnel, but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward.” This project management...