A boss should be a proactive leader, communicator, and an understandable colleague. There are many incidents of bosses yelling at the employees, showcasing temper tantrums in front of others, lambasting frequently, and many other negativity. These kinds of bosses are always feared by the employees and these kinds of behaviour showcased by bosses affect the workplace productivity creating shambles at the workstation.
What should an ideal Boss be? What qualities he/she must possess to be a perfect leader? What attributes do the bosses constitute to be a good mentor? Let's delve into some of the traits/attributes of an ideal boss.
Let's discuss some of the qualities/traits of a perfect or ideal boss that distinguish him/her from a toxic and fearful Boss:
If the boss doesn't know in which direction he/she wants to lead the organization and its human resources too, it means he/she lacks the vision. There should be a clear vision that the team has to achieve and work accordingly. The boss should incontestably understand the giant picture of the company's vision, mission, goals, objectives, and entire purpose to lead the team that befits the company’s vision.
Knowing the exact vision is not just enough to be an ideal Boss. He/she should communicate the visionary goals to his/her team members. One of the most important traits of an ideal boss is being communicative. The vision can be communicated to the subordinates through various networking forums such as group meetings, one-on-one discussions, team meetings, and more. The reason behind the goal, the attempts to accomplish the goal should be shared among the staff. Also, suggestions and questions should be taken from the team members to ensure that everyone shares the same platform to meet the common goal.
When employees don't understand the tasks they are assigned due to a lack of understanding about goals and strategic vision, it gradually increases the stress level amongst the employees, and they cannot concentrate on their work performance. Hence, the perfect boss should set clear performance expectations among the employees with a clear job description, goals, vision, and mission. The supervisors play a very important role in clarifying the performance expectations to the team members.
Along with a clear understanding of expressing performance goals, an ideal boss should be decisive as well. He/she should make corrective decisions without being stuck in the never-ending loop of challenging situations in the workplace. He/she shouldn't make decisions on the spur of the moment. He/she should correctly manage the available and missing information to make the correct decisions.
An ideal boss is one who always remains available for the employees in need. Employees or subordinates should feel comfortable sharing their opinions and feedback with their immediate bosses. The Boss who is always on fire is never approached by the employees. He/she should execute an open-door policy in the workplace and feedback along with recommendations should be highly welcomed.
Along with easy availability for mutual trust and understanding amongst employees, the boss should provide consistent feedback to the employees regarding job performance. Coaching, training, and development sessions are to be frequently organized for the subordinates.
A good boss always takes care of his/her employees in various matters such as a safe working environment, career growth opportunities, monetary rewards, incentives, competitive salaries, work assignments, required benefits, and many more. The company culture is created and institutionalized with a shared vision by a good boss. Apart from this, for the ease of the employees, flexible working schedules, hybrid working modules should be initiated.
The successful staff members are appreciated and given credit for their applaudable jobs. The good boss knows employees give high returns on investment when their deeds are acknowledged and their inputs and accomplishments are known by all. The individual contributions are respected by the boss. When good performances are applauded, they get encouraged to perform better leading to a snowball effect of improvements and productivity in the workplace.
A good boss not only progresses oneself but steps forward in the path of success and productivity taking alongside team members and the whole organization too. Empowering others along with oneself is also one of the important traits of an ideal Boss. The unchained and liberating environment is created in the workplace for employees to be given the freedom to make their own decisions and express their ideas and suggestions leading to creativity and innovation in the workplace.
Employee empowerment is to be done by the boss to make the employees perform much better within their niches. Along with empowerment programs, fun activities, play events and various interactive programs are to be organized such as team-building exercises, Friday games, and more.
We have discussed only some of the few traits that need to be possessed by an ideal boss. Besides, an ideal boss should:
i) Share personal experiences among the employees showcasing the nature of friendship among team members
ii) Initiate team development activities with the participation of diverse personalities and backgrounds
iii) Avoid micromanaging things and watching every move of the employees
iv) Conduct regular check-ins, evaluation analysis, and performance assessments to address the upcoming challenges, deviations, and other mediocrities
v) Explore every possibility of success and improvement in the workplace
vi) Identify the grass-root causes of the problems along with the solutions with the mix of analytical prowess, expertise, and ethical evaluation
vii) Adjust to the changing demands due to emerging technology, AI, and new trends
viii) Respect the diversity of thoughts of the workplace employees
ix) Embrace a welcoming mindset rather than linear thinking
x) Connect with the employees on an emotional level so that bondings become strong.
An ideal boss possesses hundreds of other traits that are not yet discussed here. Being a good boss is a journey of continuous learning, empowering oneself and others, fostering networks, and more. In a nutshell, an ideal boss is the one who makes everyone feel “Everyone is on the same stage and we should act together hand in hand for more prosperous seasons to thrive and shine brighter.”