- Boost your Profile Popularity:
Once you are a moderator, your profile gets listed in the Forum Moderator
Box. You have the power to make modifications in the forum for other
members. Hence you become the face of that community. This leads to more
people viewing your profile
- rRank Improvement :
Your activeness on talent forums has a direct positive impact on your rRank
as activities are converted into marks and it reflects on your rScore, which
ultimately increases your rRank.
- Enhanced Employer Interaction:
Once you get listed as a छलफल Moderator, it will be displayed in the Forum
Box, which can be viewed by employers who are active in talent forums, which
shows your leadership and team coordination skills.
- Certificate of Excellence
After securing 1500 reputation points in a particular talent forum, you
would be eligible to receive a Certificate of Excellence from Rolling Plans
Pvt. Ltd.