How to find Jobs in Nepal

Rolling Plans Pvt. Ltd. Dec 4, 2020 13263 0

Are you tired of looking for jobs? Do you feel like job hunting has become your new full-time job? Well, maybe then it's time to reconsider your approach towards searching for suitable jobs in Nepal.


Finding the job of your choice can be tough even for people who are in the job market for years and it can get way tougher for freshers and recent graduates


There are some methods and steps you need to consider following which can help you find good jobs in Nepal.


Best ways to find jobs in Nepal 




Networking is like job searching 101 because you have got to start there. Let your friends, family know that you are job hunting. 


Connect with people who work in the field of your interest virtually or otherwise and communicate with them regularly.


It might be even effective to network with the current employees of the company you want to work for. This helps in knowing how to prepare and what you will be signing up to.


Reach out to your former colleagues, acquaintances, and experienced professionals and ask them to let you know if they stumble upon any job opportunity that suits you. 


Networking means socializing in person or online but with people relevant to your job search and type. 


Search through Job Listings


If you want to learn about jobs and their requirements then you need to go to different online job portals, company websites, and so on and check through job listings mentioned there. 


Job listings include job titles, job description, salary, education and experience requirements, deadline, etc. Apart from that, you will know about the required application materials and how you should apply too.


You cannot know what the job demands unless you have read the job listings. The requirements may vary depending on companies and it's important to follow the instructions of job listings to get your applications considered. 


Job listings are like guides that narrow down things you should focus on while applying for the job. They are very helpful and easily accessible as well.


Create a Professional Brand


Your professional brand is how you express yourself to the public. Strong branding strengthens your online presence and further helps in a successful job search.


You can achieve professional branding by creating social networking sites such as Twitter, Linkedin, etc in a way that highlights your professionalism.  Similarly, your blog site or portfolio also counts if you do have one. 


If you already are on social media, then your posts should be relevant to your personality and work. Your professional brand should reflect who you are as a person without giving away too many personal details. 


Your professional brand should include your qualifications, and what makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Also, your brand should be able to communicate your value and why you should be hired. 


Your branding is likely what will get you the job. Once recruiters and employers are impressed with your online profile then they will see you as an interesting candidate. 

So, creating solid professional branding increases your chance to land the right job. 




Speaking of social media, Linkedin undoubtedly is the one made for job seekers. This is where you can follow companies you are interested in and participate in discussions relevant to your job search. 


Recruiters and hiring managers use LinkedIn the most to look for employees. It is also a platform where you can find employers and directly contact them. 


Linkedin is one of the top networking sites where you can communicate with other job-seeking professionals and find jobs through employer listings. Here, your profile serves as a resume. 


Once you have made an account, you should upload your recent professional-looking photo on your Linkedin profile. Similarly, you should always create your resume without copying it from others. 


If you are tech-savvy, you should be able to take advantage of LinkedIn and make the best use of it. It's also important to make your profile visual and accessible.


Work on your CV and Cover Letter


Your CV speaks on your behalf. It is by looking at your CV, hiring managers will know whether you have the skills they are looking for in an employee or not.


You cannot just prepare one CV to apply for five job openings and call it a day. It's important to tailor targeted resumes and cover letters that highlight your specific experience and skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for.  


Different jobs have different criteria. This is why you should tweak bits of your qualifications without adding any false information to match with the nature of the job. It means you might have to craft more than one CV and cover letter.


Employers should be able to see that you meet their requirements and are capable of the job. Your chances of being invited for an interview will be slim to none if you just send out an unspecified basic resume and cover letter. 


Career Fairs


Career fairs can be an amazing opportunity to meet directly with potential employers and company representatives from various industries, build rapport, and establish professional relationships with them.


Career fairs are held for job-seeking people like you and is a great chance to network with recruiters and hiring managers. Likewise, you can ask for an application process, note other information such as contact details and send them a follow-up email later.


Moreover, bring along your resumes and cover letter and scour through stalls to find the company that interests you. Who knows you might get selected for an interview on the spot and possibly get hired if the requirements match with the criteria of the job. 


With the whole global coronavirus pandemic, virtual career fairs are in the trend now. It is rather convenient compared to the traditional ones. You can easily attend one from the comfort of your home. 


So if you find anything about career fairs, either virtual or otherwise, do consider joining. It can be your gateway to landing a job of your choice in Nepal. 


Internship/ Temporary jobs


An internship is a great way to get your foot in the door of your chosen field. Whether it is an internship or a temporary job, you will be valuable in gaining skills and experiences.


In addition to this, you will make connections with known professionals and like-minded people. Also, you will get to learn about the inner workings of a company and what to expect, and so on.


Furthermore, it will help you prepare for the future and full-time employment. You need to start somewhere and even if it pays less, internships or a temp job can be a booster to start your professional career. 


You can find many companies offering internship opportunities and it's better to join for one instead of sitting unemployed. You will benefit a great deal from it. 


A lot of people start an internship or a temporary job when they are still figuring out what they want to do. By the time you have completed your duration, you will probably come out of it determined on your next step. 


Walk-in/ Direct apply


If you have enough information about a company and are confident regarding your qualifications, then you can just walk in and ask for applications. This speaks volumes about how you are resolute. 


Do make sure you have your resume in person and are dressed appropriately. They may tell you to wait or come some other day or they do not have openings now. And that is fine, you just need to be polite and patient.


If you are hesitant about walk-ins then you could make a phone call to the company and ask about upcoming job openings. An email is also an option here.


Oftentimes, when asked via phone, companies are most likely to suggest you visit them in person and inquire. This also gives you a chance to interact with hiring managers and if everything goes right then hopefully exchange contact information. 


Also, companies do appreciate the effort of job-seeking folks. You must present your best professional self and impress employers. 


Job Interview


Preparing for a job interview is also a major part of job hunting. Job interviews are where and how you convince your hirers that you are worthy of the position. 


Also, you need some good practice to ace an interview. And there are guidelines on how to prepare for a job interview in Nepal that will help you succeed in a job interview.


There is no simple hack to finding the right job in Nepal unless nepotism favors you. You need to work on your interview skills, improve the quality of your resume, and expand networking. 


Hope you persevere through discouraging days and never give up. All the best!

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