Government Jobs in Nepal

Rolling Plans Pvt. Ltd. Sep 6, 2020 41568 0

Government Jobs in Nepal are one of the most sought after jobs. In Nepal, government jobs are given high regards, considered reputable and government employees are treated with respect. If you have a government job then that would increase your chance of being a marriage material in the context of our Nepali society. But it's not that simple, and like all jobs there are steps on becoming hireable by the government.

9 guidelines on how to get government jobs in Nepal 

  • First step would be to actively search them both online and offline.

  • Visiting government sites regularly to get the updates about government job exams and vacancies and so on.

  • Find the job that best matches with your personal interests, academics and other qualifications.

  • Do not give in to societal or family pressure if government jobs are not your cup of tea

  • Note down the exam date along with other important details such as selection process, coursebooks, exam time period and so on.

  • Start preparing for the exams you are going to appear from at least a year or several months ahead. 

  • Follow the procedures of applying for the jobs correctly 

  • Moreover, follow and prepare systematically 

  • Have patience and be positive. 


Overall context of government jobs in Nepal 


Typically, civil service includes all the branches of public services that function under administration of the government. The selection of worthy candidates is done with an arduous system and that makes the service unbiased.

Government jobs have a lot of benefits. Once you have made your way into the service, your job brings along paid leave, pension and scholarship opportunities and many more other benefits. Once you get the job you are set for life. It is a pathway towards professional development. You will also be promoted from time to time, move places. Plus, there will be an increment in your salary every year or every other year. There is plenty on offer for the deserving candidates. 

Nepal is majorly populated by youths. Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, alone, was reported at 74.37 % in 2019, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources.

Also, as a developing nation, Nepal has greater possibilities for avenues of employment opportunities for its citizens in different sectors of the government.

But the concern seems to be younger generations’ lack of interest in pursuing government jobs. While there are still flocks of people competing fiercely for public services, there is almost little to no enthusiasm among the urban youths to be employed as a civil servant. This could be arising because of commitment issues starting from the exam preparations and so on.

Speaking of people who are interested in government jobs, lower middle class and middle class people seem to be the aspirants mostly. It is because of the professional stability, good payment and lots of benefits and higher social hierarchy they want to achieve.

Another main reason for lack of eagerness in youths from joining in the public services would be corruption.

On the one hand government jobs are well valued and respected while on the other, the rampant corruption has shaken its reputation from time and again.

The onus is on the government to create a trustworthy and reliable environment in order to attract the creative young minds. All the factors that discourage the youths to join the government service need to be considered changing or removing to motivate them to be a part of the public system and to up the game of inclusivity.

So if the government were to work on minimizing corruption then maybe the prestige of public service would be untouched and youths would be interested in government jobs more than ever.

Also the public service employees must work responsibly since they are serving their nation and its people. Say the system is organized and regulated often then that might help in reducing the escalation of brain drain in our country Nepal, eventually.

To summarise the context of government jobs in Nepal, government jobs are one of the most sought after career paths in Nepal. Thousands of people fight systematically to get the government jobs. Candidates are motivated towards government jobs for the security it comes with and dependability and financial stability it provides.




Lok Sewa Aayog also known as Public Service Commission (PSC) was established on 15th of June, 1951 AD in Nepal. PSC works in selection of deserving candidates to meet the demands set by the government of Nepal for several vacancies of civil service.The Commission has continued being involved with the selection of candidates since its inception. Now the PSC works as an independent constitutional body since its designation by the present constitution of Nepal in 2007 AD. 


The Public Service Commission consists of a Chairman and members as required.The Commission has different functions and duties. One of which is to conduct examinations for the selection of meritorious candidates for the available civil service job vacancies. PSC is consulted before appointing anyone for the civil service post that has pension benefits. Similarly, all PCS duties and works carried out should be regulated by laws. 


For the process of selection of candidates, The Public Service Commission conducts examination as per the Public Service Commission (Procedure) Act, 2066 B.S. PCS publishes vacancy announcements of government jobs for the interested job applicants in its weekly bulletins published every Wednesday as well as in the "Gorkhapatra", a national daily. The Commission has also chosen an yearly calendar of its activities which includes all the details of stages of the selection process.


So as to achieve fair treatment, The Public Service Commission has taken an approach of keeping the officials who set the questions, check the answers and conduct the interviews unknown to each other. The PCS consists of many consultants specialising in particular selection tasks with strictest confidence. The experts are solely there for the purpose of selection. 

Below mentioned methods are opted for the selection process: 

  1. Open competitive written examination,

  2. Open competitive practical examination,

  3. Interview and,

  4. Any other methods adopted by the Commission.


Sixteen guidelines on how to prepare for loksewa examinations

  • Arranger study materials accordingly.

  • Be goal oriented and take your preparation seriously.

  • Study regularly. Being steady with learning is the key here. 

  • Segregate fixed time for study hours. Don't interrupt your study cycle. 

  • Don't study in the same place for too long. Move around. It helps you relax and remember things.

  • Accumulate past papers and solve as much as you can.

  • You would be wasting your time if you are doing it to cope with the family pressure. So set your intentions clear. 

  • Make notes and stick them up on your wall or fridge or mirror. That will boost your memorization.

  • Select the text materials that cover the entire course of your study.

  • Don't think of reading as a burden. 

  • Learn by heart. Remember and analyse what you have read.

  • To make sure you are updated on contemporary issues, create a habit of reading national level newspapers and magazines, listening to the radio and checking the websites of government agencies often.

  • Take your own mock tests so as to see how prepared you really are. 

  • Go through the Gorkhapatra daily either online or hardcopy version daily. 

  • Don't stress over not being selected. Failure is not what holds you back but lack of trying does. You can try again and there are so many government jobs.

  • Be confident, positive and have patience. 


Now that you have studied properly and are fully prepared, you will be facing a written exam soon. There are ways to give your best so that chances of your selection will increase.


 7 tips on how to write in a loksewa examination

  • Time management is very crucial here. Be attentive to the time and arrive at the examination centre on time. 

  • Don't forget to take any necessary exam materials to the exam hall. Get yourself a bottle of water because hydration helps you improve concentration.

  • Be on point while you answer the question and do not write down unnecessary details. 

  • Do not miss out on any questions. Write down everything you know.

  • Do not panic. Focus on your paper. Do not get distracted by the noise. 

  • Emphasize on ending your answers on optimistic notes. 

  • Make sure your handwriting is understandable. Do not rush.


Then there is also the interview phase in the selection process. 


6 steps can be attempted to make a good impression in the interview

  1. Make sure you are attired in formal clothes. 
  2. Be confident. Confidence is vital here. It can be your great accessory. 
  3. Exude discipline, simplicity and conviction 
  4. Don't put on an unresponsive face. Smile in between and use gestures. 
  5. Ask politely to repeat the question in case you do not understand. You could do so to buy time to answer as well.
  6. Comply. Don't conflict. Most importantly, with your own inner thoughts.


With the aim of ensuring inclusion of minorities and underprivileged groups i.e. women, Janajati, Madhesi, Dalit, differently able persons and people belonging to remote areas, the second amendment of the Civil Service Act 1991 allocated 45% reservation quota in government service. 

Reservations or quotas are for specific groups of communities and only those the seats are reserved for, are allowed to compete. Our country’s populace comes from different socio-economic backgrounds, ethnicity and so on. 

And among them, many communities are in minority, or are disadvantaged and have been a social outcast for far too long a time. Caste system of Nepal comes into play here and it is responsible for the lack of inclusion that the reservation provision hopes to achieve.

So it can be said that the quota system is for people whose representation in public services is very low but if it weren’t for the reservation they wouldn’t be able to compete with the majority and supposed upper caste people. 

Ours is a democratic country and since civil service is part of the government, literally all the communities of Nepal have the right to apply for government jobs. Reservation system was introduced in Nepal so as to create a favorable environment for the less included and marginalized. 

Age Limit 

Moving on, with the provision of quota, the government has also set the minimum age requirement in order to apply for the public services. Since the 55% of vacant government offices positions are filled through open competition, nepali citizens above the age of 35 are not eligible to apply. 

And, among the remaining 45% of reservation set for Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati, Women and Disabled, only women and disabled candidates had the age limitation of 40 years. And later, the ministry of general administration raised the eligibity from 35 to 40 years for madhesi, janajati and dalit as well. The decision was made to bring the sense of equalness in all categories. 


Government Job Types 


If you have ever visited a municipality for the purpose of making some legal documents then it is guaranteed that you still remember how the officials made you go from room to room, say from room number nine to eleven to seven to eight and back to nine again. Well that is a type of government job. Not asking you to go around different rooms but, yes, that's also a part of their jobs. They are employed at the municipality office. And that can be you. Never say never.

Similarly there are teachers, doctors, engineers, educators, technicians, secretaries, ministers, assistants, office clerks, generals and so on are the common public services jobs. 

These above mentioned jobs might not have the similar benefits if they were under private companies etc. Which is why Minorities or the majority, most of the Nepalis seem to want to study hard and prepare for the selection for public service. 

Some of the reasons for peoples adamant fascination towards government jobs in nepal are:

Employment Sanctuary:  Public service employees do not need to stress about contract renewal or being fired abruptly, as there are a lot of steps that need to be followed to execute such bold action. The job security is most likely guaranteed. 

Holidays: Nepal government announces a list of public holidays at the beginning of the year and the list is quite long.  There are religious holidays, commemorative holidays and many more. On top of that, government jobs employees also get paid sick leave, paid maternity leave, travel leave and so on.

Retirement benefits:   According to Nepal Law Commission, “a civil employee who has been in government service for a period of twenty years or more shall be entitled to a monthly pension at the following rate: Total year of service X amount of the last salary 50”

That means you can relax at the elderly phase of your life after all the years you have tirelessly worked for.

Travel privileges:  Government jobs come along with the opportunity to field visit and travel according to the nature of your position. It is usually for training, seminars and could be in other countries too. In addition to this, employees get travel allowance.

Reputation:  With governmental posts comes great power. And prestige follows power. Since public service is a highly esteemed profession, government employees are treated with dignity.


Unemployment surge: Impact of covid 19 


The corona virus hasn't shown any sign to stop anytime soon. And with that it is certain that many people will be out of their jobs, mostly people working abroad. So many are already unemployed and searching for jobs at the moment.

So considering the pandemic and the expected increase in cases of unemployment as its immediate impact, The Nepal government announced an ambitious plan of creating more than 700,000 jobs through various programmes during the presentation of the budget in MAY 2020 for the fiscal year 2020-2021.

But here comes the trouble. According to a task force formed to research the impacts covid 19 might have on the employment and economy sector, it has been said that the country is going to have to create 1.5 million of job opportunities, which is more than the target as set by the government, to avoid the impending unemployment crisis. 

Hence this while covid fiasco has already shifted so much of work culture, both private and public services by its axis. We can only hope that the government will put all its effort into reducing the level of unemployment

Within public service too, there are various job prospects and perhaps the government could ease on the systematic rules to increase the chances of people applying for them.

Government jobs in Nepal aren't easy to get into, but that's part of it and you dont apply for the public service oriented jobs because they can be hard to acquire,  you compete for the government jobs because it becomes easier once you have it. As said earlier, you would be set for life with multitudes of benefits even after you have retired.

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