Women Empowerment

Rolling Plans Pvt. Ltd. Dec 21, 2019 38016 0

Equality, opportunities, respect, rights, freedom; these words are generally used when someone talks about women empowerment and the question of “What is Women Empowerment?” has been answered in many ways. In nutshell, Women Empowerment is empowering the women to take their own decisions for their personal development as well as social development and to make the women independent in all aspects from the mind, thoughts, rights, decisions and social or family limitations.

Men and women are equal, women should also get equal opportunities and many more statements are enunciated during the gender-based shows, women-based events. But the question mark can be set up in such statements raising a question as “Do women enjoy their rights to their fullest?” Are women become really strong? Have the long-term struggle ended? Many questions arise. Many programs have been implemented and run by the government such as International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day etc. in order to bring awareness in the society about the true rights and value of the woman in the development of the nation. But still they are struggling for freedom, safety and security. Women and girls feel hesitated to be outside after 9. The fear of the criminal behavior towards them, cramming them with fearful thoughts compel to raise questions on women empowerment. Even they are given equal rights and opportunities, they can’t enjopy their rights to their fullest because we all are aware of crime and incident nowadays.

The real meaning of the women empowerment is to make them well educated and leave them free so that they can become capable to take their own decisions in any field. The contexture of safety and security should be created so that no any acid attacks, abusive behavior baffle women from enjoying their granted rights. It is the responsibility of every person in society to take care of the women as they play a very important role in the betterment of society and the world.
It is nicely said,
Once a woman is on the move,
the whole family moves,
then the village moves,
at last the nation also moves

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