How to prepare for Job Interviews in Nepal?

Rolling Plans Pvt. Ltd. Oct 2, 2020 21095 0

Are you anxious about your job interview? Do you find job interviews intimidating? Are you wondering if there is a guide that will help you prepare for job interviews in Nepal? Well, your prayers have been answered because we have put together an insightful article on how you can prepare for job interviews in Nepal. 


Guidelines on how to prepare for Job Interviews in Nepal 


Preparing for job interviews is a process. There are several things that you need to consider before you go for the interview. Job interviews can be nerve-wracking to introverts and people who struggle with anxiety. But don't worry because with enough preparations you can ace it. Now, let's dive right into the instructions you need to know to prepare for job interviews in Nepal.


Read through the job description 


A job description entails what the company or employers are looking for in applicants. You need to make sure your experiences, skills, and other qualifications match the requirements mentioned in the job description. 


The more your qualities align with that of the demand of the job the more there will be the possibility of you getting hired.


So, do a thorough review of the job description and not miss out on any things mentioned on it.


Research the company 


Company research is an important part of preparing for a job interview. Not only will you be able to answer the questions regarding the company in your interview but you will also be able to put forward your queries about the company once you have done your research.


Plus, you can tell if a company is good for you or not, from your research. Also, knowing about the company will keep you informed and boost your confidence too. You must have values similar to the company you are applying to. 


Practice Interviews 


Practicing interviews can help you calm your nerves and memorize important points. Get your friends or family to help with practicing in the same format as the job interviews.


It is better to conduct mock sessions where you answer the most asked interview questions. Collect some of the common job interview questions such as “tell me about yourself”, review them and think about how you would answer them.


You could note down your answers and see you get better at it over the time as you continue practicing. 


Practice Interview protocols 


It's important to practice the interview etiquette ahead so that you can present the best version of yourself during your job interview.


 From what to wear, what to bring, body language, how to greet your interviewer, how to respond to the questions to table manners, and ways to close the job interviews; you need to work on these manners as preparations for your job interview. 


This way you will look professional, dedicated and can leave a lasting impression on your interviewer/s. Practice these etiquettes in advance so you can be confident and appear as though you are carrying yourself effortlessly. 


Dress Accordingly


Plan your interview outfit ahead of your interview date so you can avoid panicking at the eleventh hour. And that includes picking the appropriate shoes and accessories too. 


The dress code can be either business or business casual. You can search for the company’s websites and go through their photo gallery. Or lookup on the internet for some outfit ideas.

The goal is to keep it simple while appearing professional. Always keep in mind that if you look good you will feel good too.

Go through your resume 


The hirers need to go by your resume to get to know you. So while preparing for a job interview, you should review your resume to find out if anything is missing or something you need to memorize. 


This is because the interviewers could ask you to explain your previous job situation or other experiences and it's your responsibility to answer them without any hesitation.


And once you are done with studying your resume, you should print out a few copies of it just in case the interviewer/s ask for a soft copy. 


Leave Early 


Given the traffic situation, you can get stuck in for minutes, and sometimes god forbid even for hours in Nepal, it's way better to leave early. Carry the phone number of the company or the interviewer in case you are unsure or confused about the location.


You can search for the location of the company on the internet a few days prior. That way you will know when to leave and where to reach for your job interview.


DOs and DON'Ts for Job Interviews


You shouldn't skip the dos and don'ts list while preparing for the job interview. Once you know the basics or just enough dos and don'ts you can focus on all that you should consider doing and completely avoid not doing the don'ts. 


Knowing and practicing the dos and don'ts will help you put your best foot forward in job interviews. 



  • Be respectful to everyone you come across in the company/organization.

  • Follow the dress code and wear your clothes appropriately and formally.

  • Sit up straight. Try to smile genuinely or make it look genuine. 

  • Maintain eye contact the entire time.

  • Be sited in a self-assured and relaxed manner.

  • Take your time to think calmly if you cannot come up with answers right away.

  • Stay focused and listen to what the employer has to say to you or ask during the job interview.

  • Mention your past accomplishments that can add value to the job you are applying for.

  • Be honest about your previous work experiences, skills, and academics.

  • Talk about your past employers in a positive light. Be diplomatic with your answers.

  • Make sure you greet them politely and with confidence. 



  • Do not lie or provide employers with false information.

  • Don't dress too casually. It is better to be overdressed than underdressed. 

  • Do not slouch or cross your arms. It makes you appear unprofessional and closed off.

  • Don't rush to answer if you are asked some tough questions. You don't want to say something irrelevant or awkward and ruin the vibe. 

  • Do not say any unfavorable or negative things about your past employers or former colleagues. That will be an outright mistake. Don't ever do it. 

  • Don't pull out your cell phone in the middle of your job interview. Turn it off before going in for the interview.

  • Don't even think of arriving late for your job interview.

  • Do not act condescendingly or aggressively. 

  • Don't leave without thanking them with a firm handshake and eye contact.

  • Do not skip the research phase of preparation before your interview. 


Common Job Interview Questions 


Moreover, you should allocate plenty of time to prepare yourself for answering the common job interview questions. 


Ten of the most common job interview questions 

  1. Tell me/us about yourself.

  2. Why should we hire you?

  3. Where do you see yourself in five years?

  4. What are your weaknesses?

  5. What are your strengths? 

  6. Why did you leave your previous job?

  7. Do you have any expectations from this job? What are they?

  8. Can you provide with us an example of working well under pressure?

  9. Are you willing to travel or relocate?

  10. Do you have any questions for us?


Questions you should ask your interviewer


Speaking of having any questions for them/ your interviewer, you shouldn't hesitate to ask them if you have got any questions. A job interview is also your opportunity to find out whether the job is the right fit for you. 


So it's likely that you are curious about the company, the essence of the job, and so on. Also, asking the right questions to your interviewer shows that you care about the job. 


Ten best questions to ask an interviewer at job interviews 

  1. What are some of the challenging aspects of this particular role? 

  2. What does a typical day of this job look like? 

  3. Is there any specific skill or experience that you are looking for?

  4. What values does the company represent? What qualities are you looking for in an employee to further represent your company’s values? 

  5. What are some of the characteristics that would help one succeed in this role?

  6. What does the career path for an employee in this role look like?

  7. How would my performance be measured?

  8. What is your favorite part about working at this company? 

  9. Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?

  10. Is there anything about my background or my resume that raises a concern to you? 


You don't have to move mountains to prepare for job interviews but they aren't a piece of cake either. You simply have to prepare by taking your time off a week ahead. 


With continuous practice, you can ace any job interviews in Nepal. And it's not like you will get a second chance to make a first impression. So, do make sure you give your best and try not to make mistakes. You know it shows that you have made an effort once they hire you. 


There is always room for improvement. But saving them for the next job interview might not be a good idea. It doesn't mean that you should be hellbent on achieving perfection either. But it’s better to be almost perfect than not try at all in the first place. 


We wish for your successful job interview. Good luck! 

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