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Rs.USD 0.00 / Hourly

Entry Level Junior Level

Step into my multifaceted realm, where the artistry of words meets the precision of design, transcending boundaries of language and visuals. As a versatile creator, I seamlessly blend the realms of poetry and technology, offering a myriad of talents spanning from logo design to customer support.

In Nepali, my verses echo the richness of tradition, reflecting our cultural tapestry, while my translation skills ensure their beauty and meaning resonate in English. Beyond poetry, I craft engaging content across mediums, from blogs to social media. With a keen eye for design, I create captivating visuals using tools like Canva.

Moreover, as an IT freelancer and social worker, I provide exceptional customer support, handle emails proficiently, and tailor resumes to individual needs. Whether voicing narratives or drafting speeches, I excel at delivering compelling messages.

In the literary world, I delve into book reviews and offer translation services, ensuring diverse audiences can appreciate literary works. Through freelancing, I leverage my skills to meet clients’ unique needs, while also providing feedback to enhance their projects.

Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where every endeavor is infused with passion, proficiency, and a commitment to making a difference.

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