WHO Jobs in Nepal
WHO aka World Health Organization, established with the motive of attaining the highest possible level of health by all the people on 7 April 1948 is the directing and coordinating authority in global public health within the United Nations system. WHO is one of the specialized agencies of the UN system. WHO works at the three levels in the organization i.e
- Global
- Regional
- Country
There are different types of WHO jobs in Nepal intending the recruitment of health professionals to create a healthy environment within the country. The main objective of the WHO program in Nepal is to implement the Country Cooperation Strategy by supporting the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), the Government of Nepal in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of national health policies, strategies, and plans and developing and managing WHO’s technical cooperation programs at the country level.
Guidelines for applying through the WHO Jobs in Nepal
- Go through the website of WHO Nepal.
- Check if your skills match the job requirements.
- Apply online through the WHO Nepal Career page.
- Submit the essential documents if needed.
Types of WHO jobs in Nepal
Founded on the principle that all people should have easy access to the highest standard of health, WHO jobs possess the benefits of dynamic work environments with high professional development with competitive pay and benefits. There are different jobs that WHO announces on its career page. We will discuss some of the WHO jobs in Nepal here.
Admin and Operations Assistant
The main job of the Admin and Operations Assistant is to look out for every administration and operations task at the organization. Furthermore, he/she should assist the Admin and Operations Manager to complete the day-to-day operational tasks.
He/she should have a degree in secondary school education along with a university degree in Social Science or Management. More preference is given to those who have relevant experience in health logistics at the central and field level.
Technical Assistance for Communicable Diseases, Surveillance, and M & E Roster
To apply for these positions regarding various diseases like HIV, Hepatitis, and other communicable diseases, he/she should be a medical graduate from a recognized university. The persons selected for the position should commit their time to the NTDs programs/Infectious Disease Surveillance.
Relevant work experience in public health is preferable.
Emergency Staff Counsellor
The selected candidates are responsible for providing mental health and psychological services to the staff members and consultants in the country offices with the implementation of stress management programs for assistance during crisis and pandemic outbreaks.
A candidate should have relevant experience in the area of mental health and psychosocial support services. A candidate should have the academic requirement of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, psychiatry, clinical/psychiatric social work, or another mental health-related degree.
General Services Staff
Among the various WHO jobs in Nepal, many nationals and residents are employed in the general service staff category. General services may include the day-to-day operations at WHO country offices. Certain educational requirement with experience in public health and the medical field is mandatory for the post.
Communications Officer
The communications officer is responsible to assist in the implementation of risk communication activities as part of the health response operations. He/she should have a university degree in social sciences, behavioral sciences, development sciences, communications, public health, or related area from the recognized university.
Relevant experience in risk communication, health promotion, and/or emergency management is preferable.
Public Health Officers
The public health officers are responsible for providing technical public health input for strategic planning, project management, and reporting. They should showcase inputs in the outflow of communication and informative products to the public.
A medical degree from a recognized university is a must to apply for these positions.
The abovementioned are some of the WHO Jobs in Nepal. Stay updated with the WHO Nepal career page for enrollment in the medical field jobs. WHO Jobs in Nepal lead to more professional growth and career.
If your skills and academics match the criteria of jobs, apply for the positions. Best of Luck!