Mustang Helicopter Pvt. Ltd is a private helicopter company which has started its flight operation in September 2021 with two Airbus AS350 series helicopters. As per our business plan, we are adding one more AS350 series helicopter for the fleet exepansion. For this, we are seeking the following personnel for the vacant post in our company.
Safety Officer - 01 (Male/Female)
Required Experience and Qualifications: - BBS/BBA equivalent.
- Familiar with Aviation Safety Management System (SMS).
- Newcomers are also encouraged to apply.
Apply Instructions: Those who meet the above criteria can send their application letter along with a copy of their application letter along with copies of certificates and photograph by Email at : [email protected]
Note: 1. Phone cell are not entertained. 2. Apply within 14 days of the published date.
Mustang Helicopter Pvt. Ltd.
Sinamangal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: 9803057759
Email: [email protected]